Information to raters

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Finally, as you can see the new web-page is here and with it a new version of ACMC, version 3.0. On this site you can sign in and update your information under ”user\account settings”. You will also have access to information through the homepage. Your patients are here and you can enter new assessments, same as previously.

Note! The website and the manual is available in English only!

The major difference from earlier version is that ACMC 3.0 now has a scale ranging from 0-100 instead of ranging from minus to plus. This is to make it easier for people who haven’t taken the course or are not familiar with the underlying analysis to understand the results. To be able to compare your patients result with previous results, you only have to re-run the calculations. Open the patients ”assessments” and press ”edit” for the assessments you wish to compare, press ”save/calculate” and you will have the old data re-calculated to the new format. Smallest detectable difference is  2.5 ACMC units when the same person has made both assessments, and 3.1 ACMC units with different raters.

For access to the manual with more information about version 3,0, send an e-mail to . Note, this is only for previous course participants; the manual is not open to public.

I hope you will find the changes an improvement of ACMC!

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