The “Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control” (ACMC) is an observational assessment developed to assess the ability of a prosthesis user to control a myoelectric prosthetic hand. Each item in the ACMC is an observable prosthetic hand movement, such as timing during grasping, or an observable prosthetic hand movement in relation to other body parts, such as uses the prosthesis over the shoulder.
The ACMC assesses how skillful a prosthesis hand user performs different prosthetic hand movements when performing a bimanual activity and therefore an ACMC assessment is often carried out during the client’s performance of an everyday activity. The activity is often selected according to the development and interest of the user and hence, the assessment is suitable for users of different ages, either prosthetic side and different prosthetic levels. Suggestions for activities have been developed for use during ACMC assessments.
The original ACMC (version 1.0, year 2004) consists of 30 items. The results from different analyses led to item combination, clarification of item definitions, and rating category redefinitions. Consequently, the current ACMC (version 3.0, year 2015) consists of 22 items, a redefined rating scale and the ACMC units are reported in a range of 0-100. This ACMC website has a built-in Rasch software that performs the calculation.
A training course is given to those who are interested in learning the ACMC. Please email to